Thursday, March 22, 2012

We Are The Key

In class Monday on of my peers showed us all an awesome webpage called values, and their commercial are only targeted towards a better society. This particular video was one of many that I found very interesting; when I was younger I was chosen to be a part of friends. Friends are an organization that works as anti-bullying in school. We talked a lot about things like peer pressure and other things that are common in a school environment, but I never felt like they had a good way to communicate the difference to us and therefore we could not do it to our class mates. When I see this video I understands what they should have done, and I wish that they will bring up videos like this in "friends" meetings in the future, and this a video that they later on can show to their peers in class.

We are the key to a better world; it is just up to us to actually do something!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

All Can Do It

When the creators of this commercial sat down to discuss what approach to take with this commercial and what audience to reach they found a really good answer. Let's try to connect with all adults; we need to get more adults to play to make our market wider. The Call of Duty series is the best to that with because of the realistic game play and real story.

To connect to all grownups they used every kind of person they could think about when they created the commercial, we got the fat women, the fat guy, the office worker, the actor, the sports guy, the boss, the labor worker, the ice cream guy, and the list goes on. They fulfill the find everyone plan with the ending words there is a soldier in everyone.

This commercial is a great new approach to gaming, and a really creative commercial. However, they chose to not show any blood or death which obviously there is a lot of in this game. I wonder what there reasons for that were?


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Beer Me

Of all the beer companies in the world I believe that Heineken is the one that has the best commercials. I know that they do not gain that much attention in America compared to Miller and Bud, but I believe that Heineken is the better company when it comes to creating commercials. They have such creativity in the commercials they create, not only this one. They have so many different ones, which work for difference audiences. However, their main target are males, in this specific commercial they are specifying it towards 25-35 year old males.

In all honestly there are not that many male's that can different the difference between beers from each other in a blindfolded test, if they do not already know the names of those they taste. Thereby commercial and awareness of beer is how people chose to by that one. Heineken are masters in the art of making sure people know about their brand, and their beer. Thanks to their creative and awesome commercials a lot of people know about their beer and thanks to that they sell more of them.

What difference them from others are their commercials, and if they keep doing such a god job with creativity and frame their company will last long.

I just need to end with saying that the comparison between females and males are perfect in this commercial and the male’s reaction is so good, that it is hard to describe it.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Praise The Gamer

If you walk in to almost any house hold in the western parts of society, you are most likely to find at least one gaming consul. It is more likely that you will find more than one then none at all.

Video games are a big part about today's society, there are more gamers than ever before and they keep on growing.

The growth has happened thanks to more media use and better games as well as game consuls. When the new Call of Duty came out many college boys did not study for at least a couple of days. The reality that we face is that more and more people play video games, and the people who are considered to be the young video gaming generation will grow older, but they will still play. Thereby the video game industry will grow in sales, profit, and impact.

A commercial like this one, is fantastically made to get more people to find an interest in gaming and make those who game, do it even more. It is a very creative way to show how important the gamer is to the characters of the game instead of showing game play or new features of the consul. It is a way to celebrate what makes the industry continue to live. Without the gamer (customer) there are no way to continue making the games and make profit. It is the same in many industries nowadays, we as advertisers need to put our focus to the customer instead. We need to show them how important they are celebrate them, when we do that we can create long lasting relationships with them to ensure that they stay not just as loyal customers but happy loyal customers. It is one of the aspects in how to create a "love mark".

This way of thinking has even been taken into the sport world, the La Liga (Spanish soccer league) and the Spanish national team recently launched a new campaign where famous extremely well recognized players (in Milwaukee it would be Aaron Rodgers) walks around in the streets and ask completely normal people about their autographs and if they can take a picture with them. As they do this, they are followed by a hidden camera that shows people's reaction to this treatment. All this is done to show that the players love their fans, and that they now that without the fans they are nothing.
